Léonard Stay

Léonard Stay

Hipster-friendly coffee specialist. Extreme pop culture trailblazer. Subtly charming beer buff. Lifelong organizer. Friendly social media maven. Evil travel guru.

45 Author´s Articles
Why appliances out of stock?

Why appliances out of stock?

Consumers are finding that mainstream appliances are out of stock this year, due to supply chain disruptions caused in...

Is Appliance Repair Hard? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Appliance Repair Hard? A Comprehensive Guide

Learning how to repair appliances can be a great way to diversify your skillset and enter a new field. Appliance repair...

What is a home appliance repair?

What is a home appliance repair?

American Home Shield's guide to common household repairs, including leaking refrigerators, dirty HVAC filters, dishwasher ...

How do appliance repairs make money?

How do appliance repairs make money?

There are many different manufacturer and home warranty contracts to support in the appliance repair business. If you...

Can appliance repair?

Can appliance repair?

Rated 4, 2 (7 Local appliance repair experts for dryers, washing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers and more in...

Are Appliance Repair Services Available in Mission, BC?

Are Appliance Repair Services Available in Mission, BC?

When it comes to household appliances, it's important to choose a reliable repair service provider. In Mission, BC,...

When is the Best Time to Repair or Replace Your Refrigerator?

When is the Best Time to Repair or Replace Your Refrigerator?

When it comes to refrigerators, some types are more expensive and difficult to repair than others. Built-in refrigerators ...

What is the #1 appliance brand?

What is the #1 appliance brand?

Of the more than 6,000 units sold last calendar year, less than 5% of them required repair services in the future....

What is puls appliance repair?

What is puls appliance repair?

We can repair your mobile phone, fix all the appliances or even assemble that new TV you bought so you can cheer on all...

Appliance Shortages and Delays: What You Need to Know

Appliance Shortages and Delays: What You Need to Know

As new homes are being built, appliance shortages and delays are causing go-to-market and sales to be postponed. Stoves,...

Why is kitchen appliances important?

Why is kitchen appliances important?

Kitchens are often revered for their style, whether modern or cozy. However, appliances are the heart of your kitchen.

Do You Need a License for Appliance Repair?

Do You Need a License for Appliance Repair?

Do you need a license to become an appliance repair technician? It depends on the state you live in and the regulations...

Why is the Appliance Shortage So Severe?

Why is the Appliance Shortage So Severe?

The pandemic has had a major impact on the supply and demand of appliances, leading to limited availability and long wait ...

Why appliances don't last?

Why appliances don't last?

In addition, appliance manufacturers struggle to keep up with changing consumer demands. As technology becomes more...

How much do appliance repair technicians make in canada?

How much do appliance repair technicians make in canada?

An appliance repair business can be very lucrative, however, like any company, it will require a lot of hard work and...

Why Do Appliances Break So Often? A Comprehensive Guide

Why Do Appliances Break So Often? A Comprehensive Guide

It's no secret that appliances break down more often than we'd like. But why is this the case? Part of the reason is due...

How long are appliances supposed to last?

How long are appliances supposed to last?

We asked manufacturers of more than 20 brands, and most say that their appliances should last about 10 years. HVAC...

Can Yes Fix Appliance Repair Clifton Help You With Your Home Appliances?

Can Yes Fix Appliance Repair Clifton Help You With Your Home Appliances?

Are you having trouble with your home appliances? If yes, then Yes Fix Appliance Repair Clifton can help you. Our team of ...

What is an Appliance in a House? A Comprehensive Guide

What is an Appliance in a House? A Comprehensive Guide

An appliance, also known as a household appliance, appliance or household appliance, is a machine that aids in household...

Why is the maintenance of domestic appliances necessary?

Why is the maintenance of domestic appliances necessary?

Maintaining their appliances helps them live longer. Maintenance-free appliances not only burn too much energy, but also...

Are appliance repair?

Are appliance repair?

Refrigerator, oven, stove, dryer or broken? Apex Appliance Repair will repair your appliance in Union County and...

How Much Does an Appliance Repairman Make in Canada?

How Much Does an Appliance Repairman Make in Canada?

Appliance service technicians with the experience and knowledge of how to run a small business can start their own...

Is Appliance Repair Profitable? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Appliance Repair Profitable? A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering starting an appliance repair business? If so, you're in luck. Appliance repair is an enduring...

Who Can Repair Your Refrigerator in New York City?

Who Can Repair Your Refrigerator in New York City?

Do you have a refrigerator that needs repair in New York City? If your fridge is making loud noises, leaking, or not...

Is appliance repair a good business?

Is appliance repair a good business?

So the appliance repair business is an enduring business. Your success depends on you starting it and carrying it out...

How repair refrigerator?

How repair refrigerator?

When a refrigerator gasket (usually a rubber gasket around the door) hardens or cracks, its seal breaks and the...

Where to Find the Best Boise Appliance Repair Services

Where to Find the Best Boise Appliance Repair Services

Are you looking for reliable Boise appliance repair services? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Boise, Idaho is...

Where to Find the Best Appliance Repair Services in Los Angeles

Where to Find the Best Appliance Repair Services in Los Angeles

Are you looking for reliable appliance repair services in Los Angeles? Look no further than Trinity Appliance Services....

Appliance Repair: Get Your Appliances Fixed Quickly and Effectively

Appliance Repair: Get Your Appliances Fixed Quickly and Effectively

Are you having trouble with your washing machine, TV, or iron? Don't worry, there is a solution to all these problems. A...

Is it Better to Repair or Replace an Oven?

Is it Better to Repair or Replace an Oven?

When it comes to deciding whether to repair or replace an oven, there are a few factors to consider. If the repair cost...

Is Appliance Repair a Good Career Choice?

Is Appliance Repair a Good Career Choice?

It can be an excellent professional option for a person who is looking for a potentially fruitful career that gives them...

Are High-End Appliances Worth the Investment?

Are High-End Appliances Worth the Investment?

When it comes to designing a luxury kitchen, high-end appliances are a must. But are they really worth the investment? In ...

That appliance repair guy?

That appliance repair guy?

Rated 3.0 (Guy The Appliance Guy · Central Oregon, OR 97739.We repair each and every one of your kitchen appliances,...

Why is it Difficult to Find Appliances Right Now?

Why is it Difficult to Find Appliances Right Now?

Finding appliances these days is not as straightforward as it used to be. This is due to a combination of...

Why is it necessary to check your appliances routinely?

Why is it necessary to check your appliances routinely?

The most important reason for routine maintenance of appliances is to avoid safety hazards. For example, most appliances...

Is Appliance Repair in Jacksonville, FL Worth It?

Is Appliance Repair in Jacksonville, FL Worth It?

When it comes to appliance repair, Jacksonville, FL residents have a lot of options. From large appliance services to...

Why appliance shortage?

Why appliance shortage?

Higher Levels of Demand Like many household products, demand for household appliances skyrocketed as people prepared to...

What do you call a person who fixes refrigerators?

What do you call a person who fixes refrigerators?

When you call someone in the Appliance Repair field, you are highly trained and qualified to repair your appliance. These ...

Who repairs appliances?

Who repairs appliances?

Rated 4, 5 (1, 71 Evansville appliance repair experts; Neli virtual appliance repair. It is recommended to buy a new...

How to Repair Appliances Easily and Effectively

How to Repair Appliances Easily and Effectively

When it comes to appliance repair, there are three essential rules to follow. First, press the reset buttons to restore...

What Appliances Break Down the Most and How to Deal With Them

What Appliances Break Down the Most and How to Deal With Them

Appliances are an essential part of any home, designed to make our lives easier. But when they break down, it can be...

Why do appliances not last long?

Why do appliances not last long?

Now, your appliance is likely to last much longer than the average life expectancy prescribed for new appliances today. A ...

What Brand Appliances Last the Longest?

What Brand Appliances Last the Longest?

Whirlpool and Maytag are two of the most reliable and well-known appliance repair brands in the industry. According to a...

Is it Worth Repairing a Refrigerator?

Is it Worth Repairing a Refrigerator?

When it comes to deciding whether to repair or replace a refrigerator, two good general rules to keep in mind are that if ...

Is Appliance Repair Profitable?

Is Appliance Repair Profitable?

The sale of household appliances is a highly lucrative business, whether they are used, scratched or dented or even...